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Network Directors

Save the Date! Our Network Directors present at our Main Stage on October 4 at 7am ET

  • Kent Larson

    Director of MIT City Science

    Kent’s research focuses on developing urban interventions that enable more entrepreneurial, livable, high-performance districts in cities. To that end, his projects include advanced simulation and augmented reality for urban design, transformable micro-housing for millennials, and mobility-on-demand systems that create alternatives to private automobiles. Kent also directs the City Science network, a global network striving to enable more livable, equitable and resilient communities.

  • Leehter Yao

    Director of the City Science Lab @ Taipei

    Leehter Yao received Ph.D. degree from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A., in 1992. Since 1992, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, where he is currently a Chair Professor. He was the president of the same university from 2011 to 2017. Since 2015, he has been the Academician of Russia International Academy of Engineering. His current research interests include artificial intelligence, intelligent control, and smart grid.

  • Mayra Gamboa

    Director of the City Science Lab @ Guadalajara

    Mayra Gamboa is a Professor at the University of Guadalajara and leads the initiative of the City Science lab@Guadalajara. She has a Masters Degree in Urban Planning from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and has been a consultant of the UN-Habitat office in Mexico. She has worked in both public and private sectors and her areas of research focus on understanding the dynamics of informal growth and urban inequality, design of public spaces, and daily mobility.

  • Gesa Ziemer

    Director of the City Science Lab @ Hamburg

    Gesa Ziemer (Prof. Dr. Phil.) is director of the City Science Lab, a collaboration with the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge/USA and academic lead of the technology and innovation lab UNITAC for the United Nations. She is professor of Cultural Theory at the HafenCity University Hamburg. Her research is focused on Digital City Science, new forms of collaboration and public spaces. She received the Humboldt Foundation grant for the Feodor-Lynen Program at the Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge/USA and is member of the Scientific Council of Germany.

    PC: Benno Tobler, Schweiz

  • Marc Pons

    Director of the City Science Lab @ Andorra

    Marc Pons is the Director of Andorra Research + Innovation. He is also a Telecommunications Engineer, holds a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy and a PhD in Science and Technology from UPC and McGill University in Montreal. Throughout his professional career he has specialised in research and innovation in snow and mountain environment and in the modeling of systems in different fields such as energy, mobility, tourism and water dynamics. Pons has worked and collaborated on several international projects (Canada, USA, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy), is an associate researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and co-founder of Nivorisk Innovation.

  • Yongqi LOU

    Director of the City Science Lab @ Shanghai

    Prof. Dr. Yongqi LOU is a Vice President and Dean of the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai, the Board Director of World Design Organization (WDO) and the Vice President of China Industrial Design Association. Lou has been the pioneer in China for design-driven innovation education, research and practices that connect design, business, and technology. He is the founder of Design Harvests, a design-driven urban-rural interaction project; Tongji-Huangpu School of Design and Innovation, the first design thinking K12 school in China; and She Ji — the Journal of Design, Innovation, and Economics published by Tongji and Elsevier. He is the Editorial Board Member of the journal Design Issues published by The MIT Press. Lou was elected as a fellow of Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) in 2019.

  • Hossein Rahnama

    Director of the City Science Lab @ Toronto

    Hossein's research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer interaction, and the design of privacy-preserved data-driven services. He has written more than 30 publications and received 23 patents. He served as a council member at National Science and Research Engineering Council of Canada and is currently serving on the board of Canadian Science Publishing and the Home Capital Group. In 2012, MIT Technology Review selected him as one of its global TR35 list. In 2017, he was selected as part of Canada's 40 under 40. In addition to his work at Ryerson University, Hossein is also the Founder/CEO of Flybits and a Research Affiliate at the MIT Media Lab.

  • M.U.D Kien C. VU

    Director of the City Science Lab @ Ho Chi Minh City

    Kien has diverse experience in different field of work, including higher education, design and government management. His area of focus are disruptive initiatives in urban planning and management. In 2020, Kien received the National Outstanding Young Public Servant Award from the National Central Committee of the Communist Youth Union. In the same year, he was also named as one of 12 Typical Young Citizens of Ho Chi Minh City by the City People’s Committee.

  • Dava Newman

    Dr. Dava Newman is the Director of the MIT Media Lab and Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Harvard–MIT Health, Sciences, and Technology faculty member. She served as NASA Deputy Administrator (2015-17), the first female engineer in this role, and was awarded the NASA Distinguished Service Medal. Her research and teaching expertise include aerospace biomedical engineering, astronaut performance, advanced space suit design, leadership development, innovation and space policy. Newman has been principal investigator (PI) on four spaceflight missions flown aboard the Space Shuttle, Russian Mir Space Station and the International Space Station, and is best known for her revolutionary BioSuit™ planetary spacesuit. Newman is the author of Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design, an introductory engineering textbook, and has published more than 300 papers in journals and refereed conferences, and holds numerous compression technology patents. She has supervised 90 graduate student theses and supervised and mentored over 200 undergraduate researchers.

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Network Labs

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Summit Team and Organizers

  • Maggie Church

    MIT City Science
    Program Coordinator

  • Michael Lin

    MIT City Science
    Research Scientist

  • Aurora Lin

    Project Assistant

  • Gabriela Bila Advincula

    MIT City Science
    Researcher/ Designer

  • Hoang Linh Nguyen 

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Design Manager of Sunny World Development & Management Corporation (SDMC)

  • Sheldon Levy

    Advisor to Federal Government of Canada, Former Board Member of Toronto Waterfront

  • GE Jiwen

    Research Assistant

  • ChaoChin Su

    Director of the First Institute of Research for Science & Technology at Taipei Tech

  • Ixchel Figueroa

    Research Associate and Program Coordinator

  • WANG Can

    Research Assistant

  • Imanuel Schipper

    Research Associate

  • Gerardo Mendizabal

    Research Associate, Professor, Department of Computer Sciences at UdeG

  • Hải Hoàng

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Program Coordinator

  • Mónica Gómez

    Research Associate, Professor, Department of Representation at UdeG

  • Naroa Coretti Sanchez

    MIT City Science
    Research Assistant

  • Gamaliel Palomo

    Research Associate, Computer Lab, Cinvestav Gdl

  • Quang Long Nguyen

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Director of VLAB Joint Stock Company (VLAB J.S.C)

  • Luis Alonso Pastor

    MIT City Science
    Research Scientist

  • Jordi Ascenci

    PMO Manager

  • Freya Xie

    Project Assistant

  • Luke Jiang

    Research & Development Engineer

  • HUANG Shuting


  • Chih-Hong Huang

    Professor in the Department of Architecture, National Taipei University of Technology

  • Tiep Nguyen

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh CIty
    Director of Multimedia Communications Laboratory (MMlab)

  • Eduardo Delgado

    Research Associate, Architecture and Human Body

  • GAO Zhiyuan


  • Pham Thai Son

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Senior Lecturer, Sustainable Urban Development program (SUD), Vietnamese-German University (VGU)

  • Nam Le

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Senior Lecturer
    Chair of Urban Analytics and Asset Management Institute of Smart City and Management (ISCM), University of Economics (UEH)

  • Yan (Ryan) Zhang

    MIT City Science
    Research Assistant

  • Tu Anh Trinh

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Director of Institute of Smart City, University of Economics

  • Nhu Tran Huong

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Director of Sunny World Development & Management Corporation (SDMC)

  • Anh Thi Nguyen Vu

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Chairman of Sunny World Development & Management Corporation (SDMC)

  • ZHANG Shengchen

    Research Assistant

  • Justin Zhang

    Research & Development Engineer

  • Marie-Thérèse Jakoubek

    Student Assistant and trained Filmmaker and Photographer

  • Richard Lachman

    Associate Professor, Digital Media in the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University

  • Ho-Chiao Chuang

    Dean of Research & Development at Taipei Tech

  • Raquel Padilla

    Research Assistant in Urban Planning

  • Quang Nguyen Dang

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh CIty
    Deputy Director of the Architecture Research Center (ARC)

  • LI Jiajie


  • Holger Prang

    Research Associate / Research Program and Transfer

  • WANG Siqi

    Research Assistant

  • David Kao

    Flybits - Scale AI program

  • Carlos Vega

    Research Associate, Professor, Department of Basic and Applied Sciences at UdeG

  • Cristina Panzarini

    MIT City Science

  • Hung Nguyen Duy

    CSL@Ho Chi Minh City
    Director of Architecture Research Center (ARC)

  • LIU Yang

    Lab Manager

  • Kochiu Wu

    Professor in the Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology

  • Veljko Lukovic

    Flybits - Scale AI program

  • Lucas Seixas


  • ZHANG Linyue

    Research Assistant

  • Hilke Marit Berger

    Research Associate and Urban Innovation Specialist UNITAC

  • Alejandro Lepe

    Research Assistant, Geographic Information Systems

  • Pedro Ribs


  • Sarah Pieper

    Project Development and Lab Management

  • Vanesa Arroyo

    Living Lab Coordinator

  • LI Chengliang

    Research Assistant

  • David Robertson

    MIT City Science

  • AN Qiyuan


  • Marc Font

    Andorra Biosphere Reserve Project Manager

  • Chuck Cheng

    AV Team from

  • Jimmy

    AV Team from

  • Prince

    AV Team from