Images of the 2022 City Science Summit - Hyper-LOCAL Solutions to GLOBAL Challenges

All images credit to Paula Aguilera and Jonathan Williams

October 26 - Retro Future Cities

Retro Future Cities is an audiovisual set created and curated by Gabriela Bila and Holger Prang. The performance included a collage of futuristic speculations, starting from the early decades of cinema and sound synthesis, exploring how urban life has been imagined.

OCT 27 - Summit Main Stage

Track 1 - Enabling Innovation Communities, Kendall Square as a Case Study
Featuring Kent Larson, Lord Norman Foster, Dava Newman, Senator Ed Markey, Luis Alonso, Ronan Doorley, Maitane Iruretagoyena, Naroa Coretti, Alex Berke, and Andres Rico

Track 2 - Kharkiv: Planning for a Better Future

Featuring Lord Norman Foster, Mayor Ihor Terekov, Olga Demianenko, Manuel Cendoya, Diego Lopez Urruchi, Kent Larson, Luis Alonso, Ronan Doorley, Jacopo Buongiorno, Ed Glaeser and a video compilation of Ukrainian voices.

OCT 28 - Panel Discussions and Summit Workshops

City Science Network Presentations Featuring Kent Larson, Jordi Ascensi, Mayra Gamboa, Andres Rico, Maggie Church, Ariane Bertrand, Fernando Perez, Gesa Ziemer and Hossein Rahnama

Workshops Block 1:

USoCity Community Process: A New Process for Pro-social Urban Development
by CSL @ Shanghai

Using Eco Technologies to Address Food Scarcity by CSL @ Guadalajara

Strategic Urban Acupuncture and Catalytic Effects: Taiwan’s Rebuilding Experiences of 9/21 Earthquake Disaster by CSL @ Taipei

Workshops Block 2

Empowering Communities and Increasing Stakeholder Alignment through Decentralized Data Hubs: Data Driven Processes that advances ESG scoring for more collective, transparent and impactful decision making by
CSL @ Toronto

Modeling a Science Neighborhood: With case studies of Kendall Square, Cambridge, USA and Kharkiv, Ukraine by MIT City Science and Norman Foster Foundation

A Biosphere Reserve and Living Lab: finding ways to deliver positive and sustainable impact by CSL @ Andorra

Workshops Block 3

Co-Creation & Mixed Realites: New Ways of Data Capturing and Curating
by CSL @ Hamburg

Workshop Report Back

Closing Reception/Networking

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