Photo Gallery

All images credit to Paula Aguilera and Jonathan Williams

ClimateTech by MIT Technology Review

City Science Network Directors

Workshop 1: Exploring Water Dynamics in Three Cities: BioBío, Guadalajara, and Beer-Sheva to generate innovative solutions in face of climate change.

A collaboration with CSL@Guadalajara, CSL@BioBío and CSL@Israel

Workshop 2: Localizing digital responses to the global climate crisis: Carbon footprint application in Hamburg, Taipei, Shanghai

A collaboration with CSL@Taipei, CSL@Shanghai and CSL@Hamburg

Workshop 3: Cultivating Generative Collective Intelligence: Mapping common challenges in the City Science Network to foster future collaboration

A collaboration with CSL@Gipuzkoa, CSL@Andorra and CSL@Toronto


*If you have any questions related to the gallery, please email us to