
These are unusual times. A major part of our CSS experience is the ability to visit new places, meet amazing people, and learn about culture and heritage. This year, we will meet virtually, but still try to be together. The SarapeScope allows you to create a unique, Sarape-inspired pattern, as your virtual Zoom background for CSS2020.

upload your image, and click anywhere to create your CSS2020 Zoom-background Sarape!

The sarape or jorongo is a long blanket-like shawl, often brightly colored and fringed at the ends, worn in Mexico. The term sarape is for the rectangular woven blanket (no openings), though in more recent years it can also be used to refer to a very soft rectangular blanket with an opening in the middle for one's head, similar to a poncho called gabán, or jorongo in Mexico. Modern variations of some serapes are made with matching hoods for head covering. The length varies, but front and back normally reach knee height on an average person.


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