City Science Summit
Hyper-LOCAL Solutions to GLOBAL Challenges
October 27 - 28, 2022
MIT Media Lab, Cambridge USA
The City Science Summit - Hyper-LOCAL Solutions to GLOBAL Challenges brings together international collaborators and thought leaders in the fields of urban science, planning, computer science, policy and decision making, social sciences and rapid urbanization. The event will highlight research from the MIT City Science team, the City Science Network, and the Norman Foster Foundation with the aim to enable more livable, equitable and resilient communities.
Teams will present a data-driven model for cities that could limit emissions to 2 tons per person while improving the quality of life and economic opportunities for residents. If taken to scale globally, these local interventions could largely solve global warming. As part of this line of research, the team will offer scenarios to dramatically reduce emissions to the carbon-budget while improving the livability and economic potential of the area. This research examines conventional “green” solutions, net-zero commuting and amenities, hyper-efficient housing and hybrid work, local production of resources and zero-carbon, high-density distributed energy.
We will also share a pilot master plan for reconstruction and regeneration applicable to cities nationally in Ukraine and worldwide. Kharkiv, heavily damaged by the war with Russia, creates a compelling opportunity to create a new vision for cities in the future, bringing together the best of the past with powerful new technology and design concepts. Deploying a revised version of the data-driven, evidence-based process developed for Kendall Square, we will present concepts for a community unconstrained by legacy infrastructure including: low-carbon communities, livability and public health, equity, and a Science Community framework.
In addition, we will host workshops from our City Science Network collaborators with research from: The University of Guadalajara, Ryerson University in Toronto, Andorra Research and Innovation, HafenCity University in Hamburg, Taipei Tech, Tongji University in Shanghai, and The Urban Planning Institute in Ho Chi Minh City. Topics include: rapid urbanization, infrastructure in informality, zero-carbon cities, data-enabled decision making, decentralized autonomous organizations for cities, mobility trends and modeling, innovation in a biosphere, and enabling innovation communities.
Videos are now online:
Learning from Kendall Square: From Innovation District to Innovation Community
Featuring Kent Larson, Dava Newman, Senator Ed Markey, Lord Norman Foster, Luis Alonso, Ronan Doorley, Maitane Iruretagoyena, Naroa Coretti, Alex Berke, and Andres Rico.
Planning for a Better Future: Kharkiv
Featuring Lord Norman Foster, Mayor Ihor Terekhov, Olga Demianenko, Kharkiv Citizens video, Manuel Cendoya, Diego Lopez Urruchi, Jacopo Buongiorno, Kent Larson, Ronan Doorley, Luis Alonso, Ed Glaeser, and additional voices of Ukrainian Citizens.
City Science Network Panel Discussions
Researchers and leadership meet to discuss key themes and research directions including community led urban planning, the relationship between the environment and the city, equity in urban planning, technological tools to aid in decision making, data acquisition for public good, and many more.
Panel 1 - Mayra Gamboa, Jordi Ascensi and Andres Rico
Panel 2 - Ariane Bertrand, Fernando Perez and Maggie Church
Panel 3 - Gesa Ziemer and Hossein Rahnama
Workshops Report Back
Teams take the stage to present findings from the City Science Summit workshops, moderated by Maggie Church, Program Coordinator at MIT City Science. Presentations include:
SoCity Community Process: A New Process for Pro-social Urban Development from the CityScienceLab@Shanghai
Using Eco Technologies to Address Food Scarcity from the CityScienceLab@Guadalajara
Rebuilding Kharkiv: Acupuncture zoning and catalyst society- 9/21 earthquake experience in Taiwan from the CitySciencelab@Taipei
Modeling a Science Neighborhood: With case studies of Kendall Square, Cambridge, USA and Kharkiv, Ukraine from the MIT City Science & Norman Foster Foundation
Empowering Communities and Increasing Stakeholder Alignment through Decentralized Data Hubs: Data Driven Processes that advances ESG scoring for more collective, transparent and impactful decision making from the CityScienceLab@Toronto
A Biosphere Reserve and Living Lab: Finding ways to deliver positive and sustainable impact from the CityScienceLab@Andorra Research and Innovation
Co-Creation & Mixed Realities: New Ways of Capturing and Curating Data from the CityScienceLab@Hamburg
A New Process for Pro-social Urban Development from the CityScienceLab@Shanghai
Stay tuned for the City Science Summit 2023! Coming soon!
Open Content
Meet the Main Stage speakers, City Science Network Directors and learn more about the teams that helped make this event possible.
Workshops include:
Using Eco technologies to address food scarcity in deprived contexts
Co-Creation & Mixed Realities: New Ways of Capturing and Curating Data
SoCity Community Process: A New Process for Pro-social Urban Development
Rebuilding Kharkiv: Acupuncture zoning and catalyst society- 9/21 earthquake experience in Taiwan
Empowering Communities and Increasing Stakeholder Alignment through Decentralized Data Hubs: Data Driven Processes that advances ESG scoring for more collective, transparent and impactful decision making
Modeling a Science Neighborhood: With case studies of Kendall Square, Cambridge, USA and Kharkiv, Ukraine
A Biosphere Reserve and Living Lab: finding ways to deliver positive and sustainable impact to society
Don’t forget to check out our lab and demo videos. Videos from the eight network labs include research updates, lab visits and events from throughout the City Science network. Learn what each lab is up to and what it is like to be a student and collaborator in each location.
Check out the images of the 2022 City Science Summit - Hyper-LOCAL Solutions to GLOBAL Challenges